Software Copyright Protection:
Code hardening, app shielding, guide and support developer to design and implement a
comprehensive protection scheme to protect software project with encryption/virtualization
technology in multiple layer and Runtime application self protection.
CI/CD Integration:
Deployment Virbox Protector in the build server for Continuous Integration & Continuous
Delivery, it is much helpful to developer especially to DevOps , to launch project quickly
and securely;
Design a flexible Licensing scheme:
according software developer sale & marketing strategy and target marketing segment, Virbox
Licensing solution, is few of Licensing solution vendor support multiple license container:
Cloud license, soft license and traditional hardware license container: USB dongle and
embedding chipset. developer use same license system to flexible issue license to different
license container and switch to another license container. save cost, support sales growth
Design and implement secure, safety license verification scheme:
with comprehensive license verification API, multiple cryptography algorithm: Symmetric,
Asymmetric algorithm, Hash algorithm, etc. and combine integrated with secure license
container. Virbox, as USB security dongle vendors, with more than 25 years experience to
against the hacker crack/attack to protected software. Virbox has right experience to guide
developer to complete tailor made and secure licensing scheme in security and easy to
Implementation service:
To speedup the implementation customized proposal and tailor made solution in software
security and licensing, Virbox provides implementation and integration service to the
customer which need to implemented, includes integration with software project, existed e
commerce system, CRM system. with Open API and implementation.
Supervision & Monitoring software cracking dynamically:
Virbox provides Anti hacker shielding platform, as one of service portfolio, which suport
developer with Anti hacker capability in dynamically, with Anti hacker service, developer
will clearly view in dynamic monitoring software piracy activity in real time. to block
piracy user, which effective to prevent revenue income lost in target market segment.